Sunday, April 4, 2010

Credit Card Debt Forgiveness

What exactly is "Obama debt forgiveness" and what does the credit card debt forgiveness act really mean?

Many people are under the notion that they can just submit their credit bill to the US Treasury and they will get credit card debt forgiveness, but this program does not work like this. In fact this article was written to help clear up any confusion with "Obama and debt forgiveness" and how you can get your debts erased.

In browsing forums we have seen quite a few questions such as:

1. What is the credit card debt forgiveness act?

2. What are sample letters requesting credit card forgiveness?

3. What is credit card discharge?

4. What are Obama's laws on credit card debt forgiveness?

5. Settling credit debt without destroying credit, is it real?

6. Can I erase my credit debt by 50-60%?

How to Get a Credit Card Settlement

Obama debt forgiveness has been spoken about since our President "forgave" debts that were incurred by major corporations that were lending money to the American public. Credit card debt forgiveness is what these creditors experienced in the sense that a majority of their debts were forgiven.

In fact billions of dollars of debt was wiped away in one day.
Now, this "charge card forgiveness" is a benefit to the American public.

In fact, all of the questions listed above are answered in two words: The credit debt stimulus package. This high influx of money is what caused many of our banks and lending institutions to stay in business. It is a sad fact that credit keeps our economy alive but it is true. So how do you take advantage of the Obama credit card debt forgiveness package? Do you need to call the government? No. In fact it is much easier than that.

Debt Settlement Firms Vs Credit Card Companies

Many companies now give away free information that let you know how much you can get erased. There is only one criteria, you must have at least $10,000 in outstanding balances.So, can you really erase your debts by 50-60% or more with the "Obama forgiveness plan?" Yes, but you need to get a hold of the right information that can help you finally understand the benefit that this influx of funding has caused.

Do not fall for a company trying to charge you an upfront fee to read and listen to free information. There are enough reputable companies out there that will let you know how much you can get erased and give you this free information. Many times it takes less than a few seconds to get on the road to find out exactly how much you can erase from your credit report.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Credit card

Credit card gateways let you process payments online. If you've been wondering how to take credit cards online on your website, let us get you up to speed on the fundamentals of online credit card processing.More and more consumers are getting turned on to the convenience of online purchasing. To be competitive, small businesses are increasingly feeling the pressure to maintain an online presence and provide online purchasing options for their customers. But doing that in a way that is both cost-effective and secure can be challenging, if not impossible . . .

unless you've heard about credit card payment gateways.Credit card payment gateways are online service providers that authorize payments for e-businesses, online retailers, and others who receive payments via the internet. These service providers specialize in encrypting sensitive information, i.e. credit card numbers, and maintaining a safe transaction environment for online merchants and their customers. If online sales seem like an attractive next step for your small business, here are a few things you should know about payment gateways.
When a customer places a credit card order through a website, the payment information is encrypted by the customer's web browser via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption and forwarded to the merchant's web server.Next, the merchant forwards that information to their payment gateway through another SSL encrypted connection, where it is in turn sent to the merchant's bank. The merchant's bank then requests authorization for the transaction from the customer's bank, receives a response, and transmits that information back through the chain of communication to the customer.

At the end of the business day, proceeds from the approved transactions are deposited into the merchant's payment gateway account.Here's the truly fascinating thing about payment gateway transactions: That whole process usually takes no more than 3 or 4 seconds. The advantage of using a payment gateway rather than trying to process the transaction yourself is obvious. In addition to the high level of security the payment gateway provides, the customer's transaction is processed in a convenient and efficient manner.
To begin accepting online payment for your goods and services, you need to shop around for the payment gateway that best meets the needs of your business. Here's what you're looking for:Payment Gateway Reputation. Your payment gateway provider is a reflection of your business. For that reason alone, you want to find a provider with a solid reputation of service, even if it costs a little more than a fly-by-night alternative. If your payment gateway fails to offer the security online customers have come to expect, your customers probably won't even consider doing business with you in the future.

Payment Gateway Cost. Rates vary by provider, so it pays to shop around for the best price. Although cost shouldn't necessarily be your primary consideration, it is worth keeping in the mix, especially if you anticipate a high volume of online transactions.Credit Card Processing Terms. Make sure you thoroughly understand the terms of your contract before you agree to anything, especially how you will access the funds that accumulate in your payment gateway account.